Unit 22: Developing Computer Games

Types Of Games:

Action Games : CS:GO

Action game is a genre of video games that emphasises physical challenges, including synchronisation of hand-eye and response time. The genre has a wide range of sub-genres, for example shooting games.

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Role-playing games (RPG) : FallOut 4

A role-playing game is a game where players perform the character roles in a fictional setting. Players assume responsibility for fulfilling these functions within a storey, either through direct intervention or through a formal decision-making process involving character development.

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Adventure Games : Minecraft

In the world of video games, an adventure game is a video game where the player takes on the role of a narrator in an immersive storey guided by discovery and puzzle-solving.

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Real time strategy Games (RTS) : League Of Legends (LOL)

Real-time strategy is a sub-genre of strategy video games where in effect, the game is not advancing incrementally.

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Strategy Games : Dota 2

Strategy games is a game in which unconcerned and often independent decision-making skills of the players are of great importance in determining the outcome. Nearly all games of strategy require thinking of the internal decision tree style, and typically very high situational awareness.

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Puzzle Games : Portal 2

Puzzle games are a wide genre of video games which emphasise solving puzzles. The puzzle styles will check other problem-solving skills including reasoning, pattern recognition, sequence resolution, spatial recognition, and term ending.

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Platform Games: Mario Series

Platform games are action games sub-genre. The player-controlled character has to leap and ascend across suspended platforms in a plat-former, while avoiding obstacles. Environments often have uneven terrain that ranges in height and must be traversed.

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Simulation Games : Euro Truck Simulator 2

A simulation video game describes a specific super-category of video games, usually designed to simulate activities in the real world closer. A computer game tries to replicate different real-life activities in the context of a system for different purposes such as preparation, study, or prediction.

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Sport Games : FIFA 20

A sports game is a category of video games that simulates athletic action. Most competitions, including team sports, track and field, extreme sports, and combat sports, were recreated with a simulation. In fact, some games prioritise playing the sport, while others emphasise preparation and sport management.

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Stealth Shooter Games : Assassin’s Creeds

A ambush game is a genre of video game, where the player utilises deception mainly to escape or defeat antagonists. … Many games have merged stealth features with other styles, for example first person shooters.

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Combat Games : Mortal Kombat X

A combat game is a type of video games focused around close battle between a small number of characters, in a stage where the limits are set. The players are battling each other until their enemies are vanquished, or the time is up.

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First Person Shooter Games : Call Of Duty : Black Ops 4

First-person shooter is a video game genre focusing in a first-person perspective on gun and other weapons-based fighting; that is, the viewer sees the battle through the protagonist’s eyes. The category shares common features with other shooter games which in turn makes it come under the action game heading.

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Educational Games : Big Brain Academy

Training games help to the process of learning. Games will generally be used to educate brain or quiz players around maths, IT, and science in the subject area. Nintendo’s ‘ Big Brain Academy ‘ was a popular training game for the Nintendo Wii system, and is shown in the screenshot below.

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Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Games : World Of Tanks

A massively multiplayer online game is an online game with large numbers of players, typically from hundreds to thousands, on the same server. MMOs usually feature a huge, persistent open world.

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Gaming Platforms / Environments

In this task I will be talking about the different platforms that people play video games on. And show why some games are better on a certain platform than others. This task shows different types of gaming platforms and environments.

Personal Computer : Is excellent for games that have detailed graphics and intense GPU and CPU usage. As it requires high performance computers to run those games. Personal computer is a very popular platform with many games available, which you can hack/mod on, whereas on other platforms you cannot hack or mod. An example of a personal gaming computer is the ‘Alienware Aurora R8’.

Image result for personal pc Alienware Aurora R8

Portable Handheld Console : A handheld game system like the Nintendo DS is a small self-contained digital computer used to play games on the go. These typically have microphones, game buttons and sometimes touch screens installed into them. We are lightweight and compact and people can play on them in several different places and at any time and place.

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Stand-Alone Platform : A stand-alone device or dedicated console is a category of console devoted to games designed and does not support discs or other devices. A Pac-Man Arcade System would be one illustration of this.

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Mobile Phone : Mobile phones are among the more ubiquitous and rising gaming platforms. The two major dominators are iOS and Android, each of which has devoted and sometimes proprietary material to its apps and usually uses touch screens and other sensors including accelerometers. An example of a common both platform game is Pokemon GO, whereas Alive 4-Ever is only available on iOS.

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Internet : More intense games of CPU and GPU can be played on the internet using the Flash player or HTML. Miniclip 8 Ball Pool is one of the few popular games that can be played on any computer using the internet. Even if your PC is bad. We don’t need any special controls and play the game using the players machine and keyboard.

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Video : In sports, footage can be used to teach players how to play in tutorial mode, for example, and where video would be used with gaming is also to replicate other actions or action replays. An example could be the Nintendo Wii.

Network : Online games and MMOs rely on good connectivity to the network. This may be via WiFi or LAN to get internet and connect via internet to other matches.


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Software is important for the total experience of digital gaming. This segment will address growing aspects of software are used in games and how they influence the gaming experience as a whole.

Graphics : Many games have 3D models incredibly detailed and accurate real-life visuals, while others do not. Many games need as many details to make sense of the game but the more accurate the graphics typically the higher the game cost as it takes more time and skills to make good graphics. However a disadvantage of having high graphics is that more expensive equipment is need to play such games.

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Artifcial Intelligence (AI) : Throughout sports, AI is used to intelligently create person like action from the game’s bots. These are advanced algorithms inside games to make the game more interesting and specific for each user experience. AI are fake players, which makes the game easier for the real player, as they are easy to beat/kill.

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Audio : Computer games can include audible sounds such as shooting or blasts, but can also be an asset while playing strategy games and listening to other players behind the walls. This is a advantage for the player, as they know the location of the other player. And it will be easier for him to kill the other player.

Game Play (What the player does) : Some games offer varying levels of complexity between them to best suit the players, and multiple modes such as free play or job modes allow the player more flexibility as to how they choose to play. An example of this is the music-based Guitar Hero.

Scripting : Many players with greater technical skills are able to use methods and techniques such as scripting to alter game data to give them an advantage such as more money or better weapons, and are generally frowned upon within the gaming community, and can also lead to permanent bans from online games. There is a large digital black player sector that provides players their scripting services. Hacks/mods could be easily downloaded of the internet, this is especially easy to be done on the PC, than on the console.

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Task 2

Explain the impact of computer games on society and Examine the psychological effects of computer gaming of individuals and society

For this assignment i will be providing evidence and examples (researching) about the psychological effects that gaming has. My essay will be mostly based on primary research (surveys) and secondary research (internet). I will be doing this by posting surveys on my media, and letting people answer them. My followers are of all ages, therefore making this survey fair. And I will be showing the responses. And after I see the responses i will be making a conclusion after each survey.

Based on the responses from 61 people to this question we can conclude that a little under 60% agreed that computer games have a positive impact on society. The next largest response was the neutral option. which was 23%, this suggests that people have different views of the impact of computer games on society. Due to the context of the chart , i believe that mostly elder people chose the negative option, as they didn’t have this in there generation, therefore they are not used to people socialising on the internet. Therefore that’s why they chose negative, which has 18%. My secondary evidence is https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318345 . Which shows how many people in the united states play computer games (3 hours at least a week). And shows the more popular games and see how the user reacts when playing. And sees the benefits and disadvantages of computer games.

This is very even, but more people think that computer games make people more violent. This is seen as out of 61 people, 24 think that it does make people more violent. I personally believe that it depends on the persons surroundings. And that the game doesn’t affect the person playing the game. However, in a research article (Dailymail) it says that teenagers who play play GTA V, Call of duty and Manhunt are more likely to get into fights at school. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6230901/Teenagers-play-Grand-Theft-Auto-likely-fights.html . It still isn’t sure if games truly do make people more violent. More studies will have to be done to determine this question. That’s why 26% of people answering my survey are not sure if it does make them more violent or not. And the rest (34%) think that it doesn’t make them more violent, they might think this as maybe they have played all these violent games like GTA V and have felt that they haven’t been more violent. Further more this video backs up the stats: (video games make people more violent?)

As seen on the bar chart more than 50% of people believe that computer games cause children to be more isolated from their families and peers. And I do believe the same thing, as I could say that from my own experience. However this doesn’t have to be a negative effect. As they are socialising online, making friends and having a lot of fun. Which this will make the child very happy. I’m sure that the child still spends time with their family, by eating together, going outside in the part and more. Or some children just like spending their time alone, so that they can enjoy being in their own company. And yes there could be some negative effects, but they don’t have a bad or big impact on the child. Therefore that’s why some people said that they are not sure and some said that it doesn’t make them more isolated from their families.

Also, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090123075000.htm shows that it does affect the user, as it makes them more isolated to the real life world, as well as their family. But isn’t a bad impact they believe.

A little under 90% of people agree that computer games can have benefits. There are many benefits a computer game can give to someone. One could be hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills. memory enhancement, fun way to learn facts, improves brain speed, helps to build social relationship. And these are only some on the many benefits that computer games give people. And the other 11% either believe that it doesn’t give people benefits or aren’t sure. The BBC’s suggest that computer games do have benefits , as well as opportunities for users. As they can make a living out of it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4682801.stm The video below shows the benefits that video games have on people.

Positive Effects of Games in Society

I will be showing you some benefits of computer games.

Hand Eye Coordination : There are many games that can help improve HEC. Because in most games you look at the screen whilst you use a controller or mouse, without looking at it. With time you know how to use your hands to react automatically to what you see without having to look at the screen. A real life example could be you playing football and kicking the ball without looking at the ball.

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Brain Training : Players that check knowledge and questionnaire are very effective in making details stay relevant and important to the brain. Since players love playing these games, people are likely to continue playing and, of course, the health benefits are something that would help everyone who plays these games. Many educational services provide forms in which games are integrated into the classroom environment to make learning fun. An example could be Kahoot. It an app/website were the teacher makes a party/room (password given to students). Were she puts answers on the board and the students have to answer the question correctly before the timer is up. They have 4 answers and only one of those is correct. The points are given by how fast you answer the question (correctly). Therefore makes the quiz/lesson more fun.

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Thinking and Strategy Skills : Games such as chess. Require users to take tactics and talk about how they will function before they perform their acts. It ensures they are always preparing their brain for these situations which in turn helps them to overcome problems in the real world even quicker. This can happen in the workforce even to children in schools and adults.

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Future Impact : In the future, games may help people improve their reflexes and cognitive skills to help them replicate real-life activities, and may have medical applications such as virtual surgery to help chirurgists grasp the treatment.

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Impact on ‘mainstream’ application development : When computer technology has advanced, so does the games industry. 8-bit games were the first graphics games with very low detail compared to full HD games today, and even 4 K content. VR could become common in the future and games will have to adjust to those systems.

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Negative Effects of Games in Society

Now I will look at some negatives impacts of games in society.

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Excess Playing Time : Playing video games has many long-term effects on the well being. When you stare at a computer screen for many hours without taking breaks, eye-strain and need for glasses can become a problem. Lack of sleep can be triggering exhaustion. Poor personal health can be the result of playing too many computer games, and a controller and/or keyboard overuse may induce carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Social Isolation : Children who spend a lot of time playing games, can have less face-to-face contact. This can make it challenging when these are not always available in socially isolated children in environments where behavioural skills are required. Because you don’t meet face to face with others this can contribute to communication problems in your friendship and/or job. People should be able to feel comfortable when having 1 on 1 conversations. If not then it’s because of the social isolation.

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Cost : Video games are expensive. To always buy games when they are new can cause a financial strain for many people. Most games cost between £30 and £60 on average. This easily adds up to hundreds of pounds spend over a year not to mention the price of consoles which certain games will only run on that specific kind.

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Separation from Reality : The trouble with games is that they are so competitive the alienation of societies from truth is enhanced. This can lead to a lack of school or work and not being able to fulfil the other important tasks of existence. Because of how immersive games are it can quickly be overlooked that there are stuff to do around you in the world that may be more relevant. The computer user won’t see the difference between reality and a game, as he plays too many hours on a violent game like GTA V. Making him think that real life is like GTA V.

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Education : Because students are spending more time playing computer games
they could be getting less sleep which makes them perform worse in the classroom. At the same time, more time spent gaming means that children have less time to study or do homework and this can lead to an overall drop in academic performance. And this is scientifically proven by scientists.

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Psychological Factors

I will look at how the following is common between violent games, gambling and social media being compared to a computer game and their similarities.

Use of Sound : It’s very fun to use sound in video games and I’d go so far as to suggest it’s one of the main reasons video games are so addictive. When we look at a soccer game like FIFA 20 the game plays really upbeat music in the playlist before the game starts. It certainly gives consumer excitement. In comparison, the audience reacts louder than usual when a goal is scored only as they would like to introduce much more meaning to the game in real terms. Apps use sound controlling the person feelings. For example on some apps when you win a game a song or a sound will play. Making you proud and happy that you won that game. Even if you roll a die or spend money it produces a sensation that makes you want to keep going and not hesitate until you have lost a lot of money theoretically. Therefore social media can be compared to games as both use sound to attract users.

High Score Listings : High score listings can be very addictive, as people will want to show how good they are at a game. This is done by making it on the leader-board. Therefore making them put more time into he game. The accomplishment of showing people that you are goods at the game will make the user proud, and so will make him play that game more. Everyone wants to be superior to each other, which makes it easy to justify playing games over long periods of time.

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Competitive Games : Previous games used to be player vs. machine, and would over time become repetitive and competitive. Now that nearly all gamers have the ability to play around the globe with other players there is always someone different to play alongside. The increased competition leaves players more competitive as they try to find new means of reaching their high scores and getting them to the top of the rankings. Competitive games contain certain drawbacks, as a small group of players can be mentally influenced to the extent that they respond violently by tossing game controllers or punching walls and more.

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Peer pressure : It’s possible that you will be affected by the people you play with by getting interested in the gaming community. Teams can be mentally adversely affected because they feel left out of their mates who can compete together or if you don’t purchase and play the latest game that everyone else does. Social media works similarly in the way that other users also want to embrace us and do the same stuff others do. For eg, if everybody shares a video like the challenge of the ice bucket and you don’t do it, you would be left out and blamed.

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Fun : Most people play games on machine as a way to have fun. Computer games give players the impression of being in a different world and being able to use it as an escape from reality. Many teenagers would rather watch afternoon games than do homework, as it’s much more fun. This is fine, because computer games can be a fun medium for relieving stress and enjoying oneself.

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Educational Value : More and more schools are creating games of their own to support the children. For examples my sisters get their math homework through an online tool named mathsgeney which is like a game in many respects. They are tested on their responses and provided questions on mathematics which they are expected to improve on their response times. Mathsgeney say that more than 50% of users using the app have improved since using the app.

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Expectations : Some users expect the games to function and provide a good value for money. Now that games are so popular many games developers give their consumers beta testing but users want games creators to come up with new and original content and encourage them to send ideas and requests for functionality. Many users expect games to have such a high level of detail and great play time with features like existence. Once this has been reached by game makers then perhaps the exceptions could change. With AI and VR on the rise, it’s likely that most game developers will follow suit.

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Levelling : is very competitive, as people will compare their levels with friends. Which will make a friendly rivalry. This will make them put more hours into that game or app, so that they would be a higher level than their friend. Since consumers often feel like they should do more and have something to build on, they can always level up. Which fuels use and participation of gaming and social media.

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In conclusion: I agree that video games have a few bad and a few good but mostly negative. This is because instead of sitting around and playing video games, you don’t do much, and it has many drawbacks including higher chances of blood clots, and more risk of death than a normal person because you’re not doing a lot of exercise because you do it. I’m a target of that, because I play video games every day for 5 + hours, but still control my tasks, but it draws you right in and you’re still searching for more rates, more rewards and more.

Games have many effects on people, and how they can negatively influence others. This means that people can be alone, but others won’t, because they control their way of playing with others. There are many studies on this as seen above, since it demonstrates that many individuals are alone or that people have little social interaction. This can really affect people, but most online players have mates online and play with them, this is worse rather than in real life, but they do chat with people online.

Most comes out of video games, the competitive aspect and the fun part of it. I’m more on the competitive side, as I’m extremely aggressive and I really want to win, but others are only playing for the love of it, allowing them have more fun in the game and really enjoy the game.

Lastly, some people that play games can educate them a lot. For example people that play driving games or racing games (GTA V) have a better idea and understanding of the basics of a car and the physics of it. Therefore advantaging them, as others don’t have a single clue about cars or how they function. This can be seen in the article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/talking-apes/201701/learning-drive-through-video-games Also this article, https://cyberathletiks.com/top-10-negative-effects-of-gaming-esports/ shows the negative effects which video games have on people. Which furthermore backs my conclusion.

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