Unit 23: Human Computer Interaction

Task 1

What is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI?)

Human-computer interaction is a study focusing on the design of computer technology, more specifically the interaction between humans and computers.

It first emerged in the early 1980s, as a speciality area in computer science grasping psychological science and human elements designing. This is due to personal computing in the early 1980s. Personal computing, including both individual programming (profitability applications, for example, content tools and spreadsheets, and intuitive PC games) and PC platforms (working frameworks, programming languages, and hardware), made everybody on Earth a potential PC user.

History and future of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interactio…


The Early designs of HCI were restricted hardware, as the input devices involved Wire connexion, paper tape and punch cards, and keyboard connexion. The imagine below shows a punch-card computer in the 1950s.


The picture below shows a punched card; these are early models of paper card data storage that stored programmes line by line, consisting of holes punched by machines or a punched by hand. The following picture is of a punched IBM card:

IBM100 - The IBM Punched Card

The picture below is what created a punched card, which is a punched card machine. It punched holes through the paper cards.

WCSA - Old Events - June 08, 2018 - Hollerith applies for punch card  counting machine patent in 1887 - WCSA.WORLD

Punch card computers were created to support programmers since there were programmes on cards that they could easily punch and use on their computers using the punch card machine. HCI ‘s effect on the development of punch card computers was to make it easy for programmers to use punch cards to interact with the computer.

The extended command line editor (CLE) was also used by the punch card computer as its operating system ( OS). Users were also welcome on the screen with a ‘C:/ prompt’ and this OS always allowed users to interact with the computer by typing command lines on the Command Line Interface ( CLI), which is a text based interface of the computer. One example of a command could be ‘\>cls’, this example clears the CLI window. The example is shown below:

How to Clear Screen in CMD Windows - e Learning

The positive impact of CLE is that you can interact with the computer by typing commands. The negative impact of CLE is that you need to know the commands, so that you can interact with the computer.

CLI’s advantage was getting the tasks finished quickly. It’s more flexible than a Graphical User Interface (GUI), also uses less memory. However, the computer could only be used effectively by advanced users and programmers who were skilled in command lines. It would be very difficult for someone who had little knowledge of the command lines to interact with the computer for maximum functionality, so the GUI was necessary for these users to be developed.

The GUI is an interface that uses the computer’s icons, tiles and menus to allow users to use a mouse, keyboard or touchscreen to interact with these images. Consequently, it will be easier for users to interact with the computer and access the full functionality of the computer as knowledge of command lines is no longer required.

The picture below shows the Windows OS desktop, the icons representing the programme / file, the navigation cursor, and the menu on the bottom left are shown:

The positive impact of using a GUI is that it provides users with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface and instant visual feedback. However, a negative impact of using GUI is that the goal is to make it user-friendly and not resource-optimized, it uses more machine memory. As a result , older computers can be slow.

The Web User Interface (WUI) is a Website user interface that allows users and computers to interact via web browsers, making it very easy to view and navigate the web. In the picture below you can see Google Chrome web browser:

The Chrome web browser, as you can see, allows voice search as well as text search inside the text box. Also, there are icons from websites below the search box that are commonly used by the user, they are helpful as they provide the user quick access to these websites. For those who do not use a keyboard to text, voice search can be accessed with a click or by saying ‘Hey Google’ aloud.

Further more, the benefit of HCI on WUIs is that it helps users to interact clearly and efficiently with the web, so that even with no understanding of it, all users can access the internet.

A positive impact of WUI is that a interface that is easy to use helps users to learn the system easily and use it efficiently. And a negative impact of WUI is that if the WUI is bad then the organization will loose their customers and credibility.

Visual systems overtime is becoming the result of software development as it is getting more difficult. Initially, these visual systems generated 3D images of the Earth and its structure, in addition with image replication, such as a scan of an unborn infant. Visual systems have evolved quickly, becoming more advanced, causing 3D TVs and systems that can be viewed with or without 3D glasses to be usable in the household.

In 1922, The Force of Love was the first film that was shown in 3D, since then even more films are shown in 3D, which now also includes 3D animated films. The 2009 film Avatar mixed live action with characters and environments created by computers. With a 3D Fusion Camera Rig, this film was made, shooting 24 frames per second.

In cinematography, visual systems have therefore evolved and defined innovative ways of attracting audiences, and visual systems have also evolved extensively throughout a variety of diverse aspects and can now include 3D images and displays. The picture below is of the 3D Fusion Camera Setup. Therefore, HCI ‘s effect on visual systems is that it helps users to view 3D computer-generated graphics and images, offering a distinct viewpoint relative to 2D.

URAH: Fusion 3D Camera System

A positive impact of visual systems (modern application software) is that people can now interact and see each other through software like Skype, therefore not having to waste a lot of money by booking flights to go and see each other. A negative impact of visual systems is that it may lead to psychological and physical issues, such as eyestrain and difficulty focusing on significant tasks.

Specialised Interfaces

This has triggered the development of specialised interfaces as HCI has evolved with increasing developments. By fulfilling the specialist needs of users who may have visual or hearing impairments, they can now navigate and upload information through specialised interfaces.

Users have access to a number of specialised devices to meet their needs, these include specialised output devices such as a screen reader that reads the screen aloud, operating system operated speech recognition software, specialised input devices such as eye tracking control or a Braille keyboard so that they can input data. The picture below is of a Braille keyboard. As you can see, there is a track-ball on the right of the keyboard:

USB Top Panel Mount 69 Keys Industrial dot braille Keyboard With Laser  Trackball

Specialised interfaces have a positive impact on improving the ease of use of computers and other devices. As the modern computers allow the users to easily use it, even with no knowledge or training. A negative impact of specialised interfaces is that some are expensive, so not everyone can afford specialised interfaces. For example for text to speech, this feature will only be available on smartphones or expensive devices.

A tracker-ball mouse can be used by users who have acquired RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury); the below picture is of a tracker-ball mouse. This device uses sensors that sense the movement of the ball and decide where the user needs to aim the cursor on the computer screen, as you can see on the centre of the mouse there is a track ball. Therefore, for people with special needs, there are a range of adaptive as well as assistive technologies available that include these specialised devices for easier access to a computer. Therefore, the effect of HCI on specialised interfaces is that those who need them to interact with computers have specialised devices available. This ensures that individuals with special needs can no longer be limited to computers. Therefore, for people with special needs, there are a range of adaptive as well as assistive technologies available that include these specialised devices for easier access to a computer. Therefore, the effect of HCI on specialised interfaces is that those who need them to interact with computers have specialised devices available. This ensures that individuals with special needs can no longer be limited to computers.

Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball Mouse Black 910 001799 - Office Depot

Fully 3D Interfaces

3D interaction is a type of interaction between humans and machines where users are able to move and interact in 3D space. In gaming, 3D interfaces is very common. In the picture below you can see a user playing Tennis from a Nintendo Wii, by using the Nintendo Wii remote. With engaging 3D interfaces, and even without the limitations of console controllers and joysticks, the Nintendo Wii console introduced UI models. The Wii UI design is modelled on real life, enabling the user to experience simulations of Tennis and other common sports and games.

Spate of injuries blamed on Nintendo Wii

Using accelerometer and optical sensor technology, the Wii remote has motion sensors which detect the movement of the remote by the user. Therefore, users of these technologies may interact with the interface, such as playing tennis. The accelerometer measures up the speed of the user, and with the Wii remote, the optical sensor detects the directions to which the user points. Second, the 3D interface simulates these motions, so that the player can see their character on the screen doing the same motions at the same speed as they are, buttons are often used additionally. Therefore, the effect of HCI on fully 3D interfaces offers a convincing, enjoyable and interactive gaming environment , making gameplay gradually more realistic by including sensors on the remotes.

A positive impact of 3D interfaces is that it is easy to use for the user. Also it can be used for multiple reasons, for example, entertainment or important tasks. A negative impact is that not everyone can afford 3D interfaces, because it’s expensive.

Comprehensive Voice Recognition

Specialised software and systems allow voice recognition for computers, which is a method used to recognise the speaker, while speaker recognition systems understand the vocabulary of the speaker and analyse it. This systems and software are used to recognise and identify the speaker’s distinctive voice. This works by processing the speech biometrics of the speaker through voice recognition, including the pace, flow and dialect of the speaker. However, it will take experience to understand the speech, dialect and sound of the speaker before voice recognition detects the speaker. To support the system, which can be done with the speaker speaking a few words or phrases. The speech recognition technology will be able to recognise the speaker while they are talking after this initial testing.

Hey Google, Tell Me About Voice Search - Paradigm New Media Group

The first early development of voice recognition is IBM Tangora, it was released in 1986. At its time, this system was great. As it successfully recognised voices, however you had to speak slowly, clearly and there shouldn’t of been any background noise. This means that a pause here and there was required, so that the system could differentiate words and punctuation. It recognised 20,000 English words, and some full sentences. Since then these systems have improved a lot. Due to it being improved so much, now it can easily recognise the users voice, as it is more accurate. Therefore even if there is a lot of noise in the background, the voice recognition system will understand the sentences which you are saying. An example of this could be Siri, which was first introduced in 2011. Users could ask Siri any questions or tasks to do, in which she will complete. For example, she could give you reminders at a certain time. Siri understands and recognises multiple languages (English, Dutch, Chinese and more). This just shows how far voice recognition systems has come too, from Tangora and to the present (Siri). Overall, HCI ‘s impact on voice recognition is that it allows a wide variety of people to use their speech to communicate with computers and their devices, such as with those who are unable to use computers and others (disabled person).

A positive impact of comprehensive voice recognition is that talking is quicker than texting. Voice commands are a much more effective tool than message typing. Also it helps error and misinterpretation of words. A negative impact of comprehensive voice recognition is lack of accuracy and misinterpretation.

Thought Input

Recognition of thought is where the computer is able to identify the neuronal patterns of the brain as a type of processes of input , output and control. Computer programming and sensor systems track biophysical activities, such as eye motion and muscle movement, for example. Biophysical behaviours are detected, and used as an input, allowing paralysed and impaired individuals to communicate with the computer efficiently. Without the awkward mechanical aids, this device was intended to help them use computers. The Impulse System is a compact device that replaces the keyboard and mouse, as you can see in the image below. In order to detect, intensify and transmit the tiny electrical impulses received from the brain to the body, the system utilises electromyography technology. The little gadget can be used on the body wherever, and a gesture or a smile can be simply translated into a click.

Dislabelled - The Impulse system For those with... | Facebook

In addition, research is being carried out into the use of brain waves as a direct form of computer input, with micro chips being inserted into the skull of the patient. This technology will be quite valuable when proved effective, as it can enable people who are incapable of movement and speech to communicate with computers and execute various tasks.

Currently, the impact of HCI on thought input is doing wonders by effectively enabling computers to be used by all, including those who are paralysed and impaired. In addition, as emerging technology is being studied, it has the ability to close more bridges and allow more individuals to interact with computers.

A positive impact of thought input is that it allows paralyzed or disabled people to communicate with computers and the computer translates the thoughts into an audio output. A negative impact of thought input is that people in poorer countries wont have access to it, due to their poverty state.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality is a 3D virtual simulation which may be equivalent to the physical world or entirely separate from it. Virtual reality technologies can include uses for entertainment and education. Through using special equipment, such as a VR headset, gloves or touch controllers, the user will interact with the environment. VR is interpreted centrally by the two senses of sight and hearing.

VR can be cost-effective, as VR can be used to train pilots, drivers and astronauts without endangering human life, supplying them with realistic simulations in real life-threatening scenarios. This is also cost-effective, since the need for planes, vehicles, trains and fuel is prevented. VR has additional ability to be used in several possible purposes, such as: VR may be used to enable students to experience immersive specimen surgery. This is helpful because it eliminates the need for bodies to be donate for research, encouraging students to study and develop to become better qualified surgeons as well. In addition, VR is often used for entertainment purposes, so VR can be introduced to homes by upcoming VR developments. This means that individuals will see what they see on their screen, see and hear what it feels like to be in the environment, such as in the ocean.

VR has significant potential to be used for educational and entertainment purposes and technological developments, allowing for a wide variety of applications. As a result, HCI ‘s impact on VR is that it helps users to explore a new way of interacting with the computer, gaining knowledge or having fun, by being completely submerged by sight and sound in the virtual world.

Full Motion VR Flight Simulator — Hubneo - Virtual Reality in NYC

Positive impact of VR on users can be experiencing flow, spatial presence, and relaxation. A negative impact of VR is that it can cause users to experience vertigo, nausea, or dizziness.


Improve usability

HCI has impacted society as it enhances usability, HCI enhances accessibility is encouraging users with no advanced experience and little technological abilities to interact with the computer with the developments in HCI. In addition to the menus and tools, software developers design Graphical User Interfaces in a consistent way.

This is helpful for users since the consistency would be consistent, users will be able to use more of the software with no technical and advanced experience by only having one programme to learn from. In its Windows operating system and its software, Microsoft has adopted the same straightforward approach, because if a user is familiar with MS Word, they will also be able to use MS Excel. Consistency increases consistency by identifying common formats, colours and menus among users, making it easy to use apps for which they are not familiar. In comparison, consistency simplifies the user’s input / output, making it user-friendly and efficient for the user.

What Is Microsoft Office?

A positive impact of improved usability is that it makes it easy to use apps for which they are not familiar. A negative impact of improved usability is that you could get confused between the apps that look similar.

User friendliness

User friendliness further increases usability, user friendliness is effectively extracted from familiar ideas and would be recognised by the user to understand something different such as a new application or device. User friendliness should be used to connect to users, such as using a graphic image to illustrate how a product or gadget functions.

A positive impact of user friendliness is that it makes it easy for the user to use the website, therefore being efficient. A negative impact of user friendliness is that not all websites are user friendly, therefore making it difficult for disabled users to use it.

Domestic appliances displays have also improved usability, as it is usual for them to have an Interface at present. The displays graphically present details, enabling the user to quickly understand how to use the appliance.

The impact of HCI on society to improve computer usability is that people today find it easy to interact with the computer, graphically learning how to use the computer easily, even though they have no knowledge of it.

Laundry and kitchen appliances on display underneath Samsung's “Smart” home  appliances branding. | Home appliances, Smart home appliances, Smart home

A positive impact of domestic appliances (display) is that it can save you time and money if they are energy efficient. Modern appliances have extra features, user-friendly and are durable than traditional appliances. A negative impact of domestic appliances display is that it can be hard for the user to use it, as the user wouldn’t have knowledge about these modern domestic appliances.

Specialised Interfaces

Further more, Specialised interfaces are another way that HCI has impacted society. In order to help those with sight and voice impairments, specialised interfaces have been developed so that they can use computers effectively. Voice recognition software transforms the speech of the user into electronic text while talking to a microphone. The computer recognises what the user says and displays it on the screen as text. Additionally, those who need specialised interfaces can use the computer with voice commands. And if they can’t use speech, then they can use speech synthesis, which converts text to speech.

Therefore, through the development of specialised interfaces, the impact HCI has on society is that it enables users suffering from impairments to access computers that assist them in everyday life.

Major ALS Breakthrough: Common Cause for ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)  discovered | Amazing Science | Stephen hawking, Professor stephen hawking,  Stephan hawkings

A positive impact of specialised interfaces (sight and speech) is that it allows paralyzed, blind or disabled people to communicate with the computer or device. Also they are user friendly. A negative impact of specialised interfaces (sight and speech) is that this technology isn’t available everywhere, and people that impaired, which live in poor areas won’t have access to this technology, as its expensive.

Interfaces for hostile environments

An additional way that HCI has impacted society is via hostile environment interfaces. Society has been benefited by the development of robotics as it is beneficial to control them in conditions and events that endanger human life. The environment, for example, could be much too unsafe for humans, such as a radioactive environment, to be present in. In these cases, remote-controlled robots are beneficial, because the user is not in any danger as the robot gathers environmental information. With different equipment, such as a data logger, the robot can be equipped to collect information such as temperature and more.

The impact of HCIs on hostile interfaces enables users to access data while being protected from hostile situations and life-threatening circumstances.

Why We Can't Depend on Robots to Find Life on Mars | Space

A positive impact of interfaces for hostile environments is that it allows users to access data while being far from the dangerous environment and life-threatening circumstances. As you will control the equipment by remote control. A negative impact of interfaces for hostile environments is that the equipment is expensive and that the equipment can be easily damaged, therefore loosing all your data.


Lastly, the way HCI impacted society is with complexity, Complex GUIs vary from basic GUIs that are found in homes and workplaces on a regular basis. One example that utilises complex GUIs is fly-by – wire systems, which are found in aircraft. By substituting the manual flight controls for an automated complex GUI, the fly-by-wire system replaces human actions. This is advantageous since the system constantly controls the flight of the aircraft, minimising the pilot’s amount of work.

A positive impact of complexity (fly-by-wire) is that the system constantly controls the flight of the aircraft, therefore minimising the pilot’s amount of work. A negative impact of complexity (fly-by-wire) is that the equipment could easily fail, as its so complex, therefore putting the pilots life in danger.

Complex GUIs are often featured on heads-up displays, such is the illustration below, and its the equipment that improves the experience of virtual reality as it allows the user to view the artificial world.

Daily Slideshow: All Need to Know About Audi's HUD | Audiworld

With complex GUIs, HCI has impacted society because it can be used for personal entertainment, educational purposes and more.

A positive impact of complexity (heads up display) is that it gives the information digitally on the windshield. Therefore, not having to look for signs on the road. So the driver won’t be distracted. A negative impact of complexity (heads up display) is that this feature is only on expensive cars. So not all drivers will have access to this feature.


Productivity Per Individual

HCI innovations already allow users to rapidly provide instructions from an interface to a device, and the system reacts immediately. This makes for fast usability, since the user is able to easily provide commands using a basic GUI they understand. Through quick interactions, the user saves lots of time. For example, when you create data reports or collect data from your database, the app (MS Access) will do this for you in a instance. This implies that the user ‘s input is simple and not complicated.

With improved efficiency, HCI has impacted the economy by saving people time as they interact with computers, since the interactions would be simple and quick.

HCI (Human Computer interaction) | HCI - Impact on society

Increase Automation

When developing HCI, it is important to minimise user input, because as the number of user clicks increases, the likelihood of the user being bored increases. text readers are applications that converts text into speech, this is one way to reduce human input. By listening to the automated voice to determine what behaviour they need to undertake with the service they want, this strategy will reduce human input. For companies, such as Virgin Media, this can be typically seen in automated voice messages.

By preventing users from being bored, HCI has impacted the economy with improved automations, this is useful as users can remain engaged with the service.

Your Virgin Media phone guide

Further more, automatic judgement of output is another example of improved automation. This is where technology, such as computers, are used to calculate the industry’s total production. An Automotive company which measures the total production of their Vehicles is Audi (German car Manufacture). Computers will measure the weights of each model, as they need to know if the car was built well, with no errors. As the same model should have the same weights, if not the machines probably had a malfunction building the car. The computers will measures the amount of cars made and sent to the dealers. Therefore, knowing how many vehicles they have built. This is efficient as computers won’t miss count how many cars were made. And humans won’t have to weight the cars, meaning that the workers can do something else in the mean time, to be more time efficient, this is advantageous as its saving time and money. Also technology/computer is now capable of producing an exact colour fit for the car, which a human would not be able to do, by mixing paint up. This affects the economy as technology enables the requirements of customers to be fulfilled, so more revenue from satisfied customers goes into the economy.

Where is Audi Made? » AutoGuide.com News

A positive impact of increased automation is that computers give data of the production amount, therefore saving time, so that a human doesn’t have to count the products that were manufactured. A negative impact of increased automation is that people loose their jobs, as computers can do the job faster and more accurate than a human can.

Additionally, voice and thought input is another example of increased automation. Voice input is where the speech of the user is used as an input by the device or system. Voice input has made it easier for companies to provide their clients with this service via an automated calling service. It is often used in telephone banking, where customers may request an automated call asking or forwarding their bank account information to the customer. They are automatically inserted on the computer to deal with customer requests or handling as soon as the customer tells their details. HSBC is an example.

Contact And Support | Live Chat - HSBC UK

The impact of voice input on the economy is that companies will no longer need call centres, when voice input is used to execute inquiries, allowing businesses to save more money.

A positive impact of voice input is that companies will no longer need call centres, when voice input is used to execute inquiries, allowing businesses to save more money. A negative impact of voice input is that it isn’t possible for the robot to answer all your questions, therefore sometimes a real human would be ideal on the other side of the phone, as the human will be able to understand your voice, whereas a robot might not be able.

Further more, thought input is a software which allows other inputs as a form of communication to the software, since it may not be possible to speak, gesture, mouse and keyboard by other means. Therefore this allows disabled and paralyzed individuals to interact with the computer. Their demands are met, meaning that they could interact through the thought input software.

Dialing with Your Thoughts | MIT Technology Review

Thought input impacts the economy by satisfying the needs of its clients by offering alternative ways of communicating with a computer, since not all would necessarily use the keyboard and mouse to communicate with a device.

A positive impact of thought input is that it offers alternative ways of communicating with a computer, since not all would necessarily use the keyboard and mouse to communicate with a device. A negative impact of thought input is that users won’t be familiar with the system, therefore not being efficient to use. Because users will have to get used to the system.

Varied working environment

Another way that HCI has impacted the economy is by allowing diverse working environments. Since technological advances (mobile communications) allow the working environment to continually change and keep up with new technological developments. In the present at work we rely way more on our computers and mobile phones and other devices, than in the past. As before there were sized brick phone (no advanced mobile communication), that you could only take calls and message other individuals, so you were limited in the past. Therefore, in the past people at work did tasks manually. But now in the present we rely way more on our devices to do our tasks for us. As the devices/technology isn’t limited anymore. In the present we can have online tasks and meetings, by using skype or zoom, because mobile communication has developed a lot since. So we don’t have to be at our offices doing tasks manually, like in the 90’s.

Zoom vs Facetime: Which is right for you? - Android Authority

For varied working environments, HCI has affected the economy, as technology advances are becoming more user-friendly and are more being used in working environments (holiday, home and more). Therefore, not having to waste money on transport to get to your office.

A positive impact of varied working environments is that mobile communication allows the working environment to continually change and keep up with new technological developments. Therefore, being able to work from any environment. A negative impact is that you need Wi-Fi access, so if you go abroad or in a different environment you need access to Wi-Fi.


The ways in which people use computers

Due to technology developing so much, this has allowed users to work in various environments and conditions. Technology made it possible for humans to work from home, mobile communications and technology allows us to accomplish tasks from anywhere. Laptops are one of the HCI technology advancements that have influenced society, and modern laptop technologies are gradually making them smaller, lighter and slimmer. This is advantageous because laptops become compact and travel-friendly, meaning they can be taken along comfortably while travelling to perform tasks for various purposes. For example, for pleasure and work purposes. A person that benefits from this are YouTubers or entertainers. As when travelling away from their usual environment, they can still accomplish their tasks (uploading videos, etc).

The Best Portable Laptops For Work

These technical developments have impacted society with the portable computers that are taken anywhere and wherever, so that people can keep up-to-date with their needs, such as emails and more.

A positive impact of laptops is that it is more user friendly than other devices, as it is easier to type, than texting. And the screen is larger, so better for entertainment. A negative impact of laptops is that they are not portable. Therefore, being annoying to carry around.

Mobile phones are another technological advancement that has affected society. Mobile phones allow individuals to remain linked with anyone and anything (family, news, media, etc). Texting/Emailing is one fast and easy method. This helps users to arrange a meeting or tell another user important information.

A positive impact of mobile phones is that they are portable and affordable. Therefore, anyone can have have a mobile phone to communicate with others, like family or colleagues. A negative impact of mobile phones is that they can distract you easily when doing important tasks.

Why Texting Is the Future of Recruiting | Inc.com

Texting has had an impact on culture as it has reduced the need for phone calls and other communication methods, since texting is a secure method of rapid communication.

A positive impact of texting is that it is easy to communicate with others through texting. You communicate with others quickly. A negative impact of texting is that now you can send voice messages which is faster and more efficient than texting. A negative impact of texting is that you need Wi-Fi to text others.

Mobile entertainment and mobile computing has impacted culture. One example of mobile entertainment is music. Technological developments have changed how we hold our music and listen, music with mp3 players or compact CD players is no longer taken around, instead the society downloads music on their smartphones. This affects society as individuals today have simple access to download music and listen to music from smaller, more compact smartphones.

Beat the Boredom With a Free Three-Month Apple Music Subscription | Digital  Trends

A positive impact of mobile entertainment is that it keeps people organized and everyday chores would be done easier. A negative impact of mobile entertainment is that it will distract the user from doing its tasks.

Further more, Users can access the internet via mobile computing, file documents such as spreadsheets , and even browse and submit emails. Applications such as google drive can be accessed from your computer or smartphone. As the data is saved onto their cloud. Therefore, you can edit or access the files on the cloud by using your smartphone or computer.

Google expands its cloud-computing offerings with 'Drive' - CNN

Mobile computing impacts culture, as individuals can quickly execute tasks on their phones, and on a computer.

A positive impact of mobile computing is that you can send data instantly from your phone to your mobile phone through the cloud. Also save data on one device and access it from another. A negative impact of mobile computing is that you need Wi-Fi access to save data in the cloud, so that you can access it on other devices.

Additionally, Domestic appliances have also impacted culture, because technology allows people to do domestic duties remotely rather than doing the tasks manually. For example, robotic vacuum cleaners can vacuum the whole house on its own, than doing it by hand, also it’s pretty compact and portable. Meaning that you can easily carry it from one environment to another. Another example is a washing machine, as it washes the clothiers for you, so that a human doesn’t have to wash the clothes by hand. The present robotic vacuum cleaners and washing machines have GUI where you can make them do chores from far away, just by pressing a button on a app from your smart phone.

Best robot vacuums 2020: Comparing Roomba, Ecovacs, Eufy, and more
Smart Washing Machines Explained - Which?

Domestic appliances have impacted culture by enabling people to do domestic chores electronically, saving them time and effort from manually performing chores.

A positive impact of domestic appliances (display) is that it can save you time and money if they are energy efficient. Modern appliances have extra features, user-friendly and are durable than traditional appliances. A negative impact of domestic appliances display is that it can be hard for the user to use it, as the user wouldn’t have knowledge about these modern domestic appliances.

Lastly, games have impacted culture, previous console and games have improved. For example, PlayStation 4 and Xbox one, these are the most popular console on the market today. They have became popular due to the different varieties of games available on these consoles. Some popular games is GTA V, Minecraft and Fortnite. Games have become more popular, due to the sophisticated technology and graphics which they have, therefore being so addicting.

News: The GTA V PS4 Bundle On Amazon Is Ridiculously Expensive, Xbox One  Bundle Is Cheaper – The Games Cabin

Games have impacted culture, and due to the many features they offer, games have been addictive, which influences consumers to purchase them. Games have now become entertainment for everyone, meaning that people gather up online and play together.

A positive impact of games is that it entertains people in their free time. However the negative impact is that it is very distracting, therefore people won’t do their tasks.

Psychological and Sociological Impact

The growth of HCI used in manufacturing (example) has a psychological and sociological impact on workers. This is due to deskilling, which is where work is less specialised and there is less variation in jobs in certain environments due to the use of robotics for specialised work, such as manufacturing. For example robots manufacture the cars, as they can lift the cars frame (weight), therefore being able to put the parts together, which a human wouldn’t be able to do.

Rise of Robots- The Evolution of Automotive Industry - usedrobotstrade.com

The impact of de-skilling jobs will result in workers becoming less valued and less driven to do the basic job they require to do. Because automated machines such as robots are used to carry out specialised work, the complexity of the work performed by employees can be minimised. In the automotive industry employees don’t have a lot to do, or in some cases have nothing to do, which in this case they will get fired. This is because robots do most of the specialised work for humans, for example putting the car together, as I said before, or stitching the leather onto the car seats, as they are more accurate than humans, therefore no mistakes will occur. Also this is efficient as they can produce more cars when using robots than using humans. And you don’t need to pay robots to do their tasks, whereas with humans you do. Therefore the company saves a lot of money.

Automation could eliminate 73 million jobs, a new McKinsey report says

However, this further contributes to individuals losing their ability and comprehensive knowledge of the profession. By feeling as if their task is too easy and does not demand much skill, this may have a psychological and sociological impact on workers, making them feel not valued and replaceable.

Lastly, the impact of developing nations is that the UK and other developed countries is attracting an growing amount of overseas growth and funding. This is due to undeveloped countries with a large number of tech-savvy citizens, such as India, doing low-cost jobs. Overseas, there are more workers, and due to the low cost of manufacturing them, a growing number of items such as technology are sourced overseas.

Automation, the changing world of work, and sustainable development |  International Institute for Environment and Development

The impact of developing nations is that they take advantage of poorer nations, manufacturing lower-cost goods.

The impact of HCI on society is that any individual can use multiple devices, as they were built to be used by anyone, even disabled or paralyzed individuals, for example, thought recognition is when the brain identifies the brain’s neural system as a form of input, output and control processes. Further more eye movement, allowing them to use the smartphone or another devices as a normal human would. Therefore, making the disabled or paralyzed individuals feel like the rest of us.

The impact of HCI on economy is that individuals that want to practise dangerous jobs, for example pilots. They can train them VR, giving them an idea of the environment which they will be in. This allows companies to save money as individuals don’t train with a real aircraft, therefore not putting the individual or aircraft in danger, as they might crash.

Lastly, the impact of HCI on culture is that they benefit and help the society. technological advances helping individuals. They have made it easy to communicate through smart phones by texting or face timing. This offers a further advantage by allowing a variety of work environments. Therefore allowing individuals to be time efficient, as they can do tasks from home, rather than going to their office.

The impact of a potential future development in HCI on society will be beneficial to an extent. As for example, in the near future VR could save lives, as maybe skilled pilots could be able to control aircrafts from a safe environment, like their house. And not have to be inside the aircraft to fly it and control it. Therefore, when going to war people won’t die when fighting, instead only the aircrafts will suffer. Meaning that pilots won’t have the fear of dying when going to war. Therefore, more people will apply for this job. And I think that this could be applied to many other industries/jobs. However, this would probably decrease the individuals income, as the individual won’t get paid as much as they did before, due to them not putting their lives in danger. Overall I believe that there will be more benefits than disadvantages in the future of HCI.

Task 2

The fundamental principles of HCI are: perception, behaviour, models and information processing, which I will be talking about in this task.



Perception is the visual understanding of something through one’s sense. In HCI, perception is normally physically accomplished, when the user experiences the graphically composed interface. Therefore, colour, pattern and objects are called by perception in HCI, colour is a property of an object that is created when light is reflected back to the eye after reaching the object.

Color Perception: Experiments In the Sciences and The Arts

The Trichromatic System is a colour vision theory created by Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz, who discovered through a series of studies that people with normal colour vision need three wavelengths of light to create a range of colours. Further more, the Trichromatic System illustrates how, due to the three primary colours, people with normal colour vision will see different colours: Red, Blue and Green combine to create a range of colours of different wavelength (short, medium or high). The picture below shows how the three primary colours create the secondary colours when they overlap: magenta, yellow, and cyan.

The Watercolour Log: Primary Colours?

Tertiary colours are created by combining primary and secondary colours beside each other. The picture below illustrates the primary, secondary and tertiary colours:

How to Choose Color Schemes for Your Infographics

In HCI, the Trichromatic System is important as a wide range of colours can be used on interfaces to draw users and highlight important objects because of the colour combination. For example, Windows 7 OS interface was eye-catching due to its vibrant colours.

Windows 7 - Wikipedia

As you can see in the picture above, the interface is very colourful. The ‘Start’ button is a vibrant multi colour, because the ‘Start’ button is very important, as it shows the menu with all the features and programs it has to offer. Due to it being a vibrant colour it is very eye-catching for the user, therefore making the user click it. Further more, each program has a different colour pattern on the icon. This allows the user to identify the program with ease, not having to read the programs name to identify it. For example, in the picture above you can easily identify the ‘Sticky notes’ program, as it’s the only program with the icon colour blue and yellow. Therefore, these are two effective uses of vibrant colours, using trichromatic system to create vibrant colours, so that the user can view it, also on HCI to make the interface simple for the user to understand and be attracted by the icons.

Luminance is also used in HCI, luminance is the PC monitor ‘s constant brightness. For example, on this page there is a white background with black text, therefore you read the luminance of grey text opposed to the luminance of the white background. It is the amount of light produced from the surface of the monitor.

Environmental Considerations and Human Factors for Videowall Design | Extron

Luminance in HCI is used for the basic rule of design, to efficiently display the right luminance contrast in detail. For example, white and black contrast clearly (picture below). This is one contrasting example of the hierarchy of luminance. This hierarchy shows the least efficient pairing of colours to the most detailed pairing of colours. In HCI design, luminance is important for the use of the right colours, which are luminance contrasts, in the design for effective detailing.

When to Use White Text on a Dark Background

In HCI, the pop out effect is often used, making pictures, symbols and pieces of text stand apart. By colouring them uniquely, aligning them differently and adjusting them to a different shape, this is achieved. Like the trichromatic system, its used when the eyes observe colour, which are red, blue and green. In HCI, pop out effect is fundamental as it helps pictures, text and icons to stand out with colour, to draw the attention of the user.


The pattern is the template for a GUI, which is essential because it allows consistency and symmetry for the GUI. Which is why it makes the GUI user friendly, it allows the user to relate to the GUI. Templates involve colour , layout, format and common groupings, like menus. The templates are similar, as you can see from the examples of Microsoft applications below. Patterns are essential because they provide simplicity and consistency in GUIs. This helps the user to be familiar and comfortable with the GUI, so that they can easily interact with the GUI. In a HCI design, the pattern is significant as it assists in the design of a good HCI.

Microsoft Office - Wikipedia

To describe pattern perception, the Gestalt laws were formulated and the form rules for GUI designs are the following:


The proximity rule specifies that it is more common for the user to see objects that are about the same distance as a group, and are similar together as a group.

Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design | Toptal


Continuity is that smooth continuous lines are more easily understood than moving rapidly lines, the rule here means that using smooth continuous lines in the GUI is more advantageous since the user can better interpret them than moving rapidly lines.

Help with Continuity and Limits | Wyzant Resources


The symmetry rule is that users see symmetrical shapes more clearly than unsymmetrical shapes, which implies that it is advantageous to use symmetrical shapes in GUIs.

Creating Symmetrical Patterns, Pictures and Shapes (4) – AlamandaMaths


The similarity rule is that as a group, the user would see similar objects, and dissimilar objects are seen as individuals. Therefore, due to the pop out effect, attention can be drawn to the dissimilar objects in the GUI.

Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization

Common groupings – Common groupings are a way for objects to be separated into groups.

Connectedness – is the lines or shapes of related objects that can be identified more easily so the human mind can easily determine if or not the objects are related.



2D or 3D shapes are simple, such as triangles, rectangles, etc. Geon’s are easy for the human eye to look at and understand.

My Student Site

Gross 3D shapes

2D shapes offer an illusion of being 3D. To make it look 3D, it is achieved by putting a copy of the object a little higher or lower. There are individuals who find it impossible for 3D objects to be seen.

Behaviour models

Behaviour models is used to see how an interface will work and how the interface will be used by a user.

Predictive models – are the models used in HCI design to predict how the interface will behave and to see how the device can be used efficiently.

Reaction time – is the time it takes for the computer to respond to user inputs, such as typing and clicking the mouse. For the computer to respond to a user input, it doesn’t even take a second, it’s almost instant.

Keystroke level model (KLM) – It predicts how long an experienced user would take to achieve a routine task using an interactive computer system without errors.

Throughput – is the time it takes for an application to be opened after it is clicked or launched by the user. It can take a few seconds for a to launch an app, for example.

Fitts Law – The time required to move quickly to a target area is assumed to be a function of the ratio between the distance to the target and the width of the target.

Descriptive models

It is used to see how a user interacts with the HCI and to develop the design based on it as well.

Key action model (KAM) – Basically, KAM understands the response that an user wants when they use the system. In relation to the action or answer, the response will vary from how the system behaves specifically to the orders that are made.

Buxton three state model – this model understands the amount of pressure that is applied to a keyboard and a touch pad when the system is being used by an user. To respond to commands given by the user, the interface would be expected to respond.

Out of range – clutching or repositioning the mouse

Tracking – Moving an item such as a cursor on the screen

Dragging – The time it takes for an item to be moved around the display or grouped together.

Guiard’s model – thorough a study of how people use their hands in daily activities, such as writing , drawing, playing a sport, or holding objects, has emerged.

Information processing

Human as a component – Human as a component is a term in which people assume that the human is part of the HCI, and the human is the main component of an HCI, and in order to fulfil the needs of the human, the HCI must be designed.

Overview of human information processing (HIP) – Measuring the HCI ‘s performance will help the  designer understand how the quality is impacted by the HCI design. You need to think about how users can use it when designing the HCI, and how it can be made more efficient for humans. By researching for the requirements for the HCI could help with the design of a better HCI.

GOMS model – It is used to anticipate the actions of users. It is often used by designers of software. A person’s behaviour can be analysed in 4 terms.

Exploring GOMs

Overview of goals – the objectives will aid with estimating how long it will take to execute various actions. Goals are what an individual wants to do.

Operators – Actions that are used to fulfil objectives or software that helps the user to take action. Clicking the mouse, clicking a button, or removing a character, for example.

Methods – The procedures, actions and operators that can achieve a goal are strategies.

Selection rules – Depending on the situations, users obey a series of rules and determine what tactics to use.

Specialist Interfaces

Visually challenged – There is a lot of technology designed for individuals with visual impairments. Display narrators or modifying the text size on pages.

Video Magnifiers

Orally challenged – Individuals with speech disorders can only come into a problem if they use voice recognition. In this example, instead of voice recognition, they may use a keyboard or mouse.

Keyboards and mice for disabled people - Living made easy

Aurally challenged – People with problems with hearing can have issues with listening to audio instructions. As most interfaces are highly visually designed and do not require hearing, it should not be a concern.

Physically challenged – Some people may not be able to use a keyboard or mouse. Other gadgets, such as a monitor that helps users to type what they are looking at, will replace the mouse or keyboard.

Five innovative assistive devices for people living with quadriplegia

Remote control devices – Remote control devices can help users who need specialist interfaces, as the device allows users to easily access or point the computer to a screen by clicking buttons.

Heads up display – Devices such as the HTC VIVE Cosmos Elite can be used to visually view the output through head-up displays.

HTC unveils new Vive Cosmos VR lineup with swappable faceplates - The Verge

Task 3 – Evaluation

Sir, if you are wondering why I didn’t ss or print screen my monitors screen, it’s because it didn’t let me. Therefore, I could only use pictures from my phone.


Infrared sensor controller (Leap motion):

Is a computer hardware sensor device that supports hand and finger gestures as input, similar to the mouse, but does not involve hand contact or touch. This is a human computer interaction device. HCI is the interfaces between humans and computers. It’s the way which humans interact with computers.

Tracking | Leap Motion Controller | Ultraleap


When creating a game using unity, using a keyboard is very essential. As you can use hot keys to fasten up a process. For example, highlighting an object like a cylinder (pole) you CTRL+C to copy it and then CTRL+V to paste it. When pasting it (duplicating it) the scale of the object will remain the same. Therefore, not having to drag the same object from assets and changing the scale.

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts, and the Massive Tool: as_massive_tool —  LiveJournal


You must use your mouse to create a game, as you will have to drag and move objects around. For example, I placed multiple rectangles together and changed the positions of each rectangle, allowing me to make a stage for my game. When making a game, a mouse is crucial, as you will need to move objects around and so on.


By using a monitor, you will be able to test your game, and see what you have to improve on. This is done by playing the game and looking for bugs or things to improve on or to add. Therefore, a monitor is essential in making a game on unity, or just overall.

Minimise keystrokes:

As I said before minimise keystrokes allows you to add shortcuts to your work. For example, when highlighting an object you can press “CTRL+C” to copy the object, instead of right clicking the object and clicking “copy”. After, you can “CTRL+V” to paste (duplicate) the object, instead of right clicking the screen and clicking “paste”. Meaning that the scale of the object will be the same as the one you copied. This is very useful as it saves up some time.

3 Ways to Quickly Get Back to the Desktop in Windows 10

Mouse movements:

is needed in creating a game. As you need to move the objects around and to rotate them, these are a few examples in why mouse movements is needed.

MOUSE Movement modelling to predict online Fraud | by Pranay Dave | Towards  Data Science

Logical sequencing:

is the logical sequence of words, as the name suggests, is the type of debate that consists of words, and we need to find a sequence that is logical in that context. An example could be We know that cow eats grass and then gives milk. With the milk, curd is made and then from curd, butter is made. Hence logical sequence is : Cow, Grass, Milk, Curd, Butter.

Complete the logical sequence - Puzzling Stack Exchange

Dexterity required:

is when you coordinate your hand and finger movements to hold and move objects. This is essential as you plan and execute the task. For example, planning where the leap motion will be as you want it to be close to where the ball is, in order for you to touch the ball. Therefore, in my opinion I think that dexterity required is important.

Reach and Dexterity

Use of other input devices:

When creating the game one input device which I used was leap motion. Which is a sensor device that supports hand and finger motions as input. This is essential in creating my game. As without this I wouldn’t be able to test my game, to see if the ball interacts with my hands or the surroundings. Therefore, other input devices are important in testing and finishing your game, not only the common input devices like a keyboard and mouse.

What is an input device? Types of Input Devices | by Try Education Types |  Medium

Concept keyboard:

is a specialised keyboard with no default keys. Each key can be programmed with a broad variety of functions. This is very useful as for example, you can press a key which can place a certain shape in your game, instead of looking through the assets folder for the shape. This is essential as it saves a lot of time.

Chris's Acorns: The Concept Keyboard Company A4-128 Keyboard

Voice input:

is a device in which speech is used to explicitly input a command to the system. For example, in unity to change an objects colour you have to say the colour, like “red”. Or if you want to spin the object in a direction, you have to say “spin left”. Simple as that. This is useful for disabled people, for example someone who is paralyzed in a wheel chair. As they can’t move, therefore they can use voice input.

Google rolling out Material Theme redesign for voice input UI on Android -  9to5Google


is a device which has a stick in the centre of it and a few buttons around it. This device is like a controller, it is used normally to control an object. I don’t think that a joystick is needed to make a game in unity. I think that using a keyboard and mouse would be easier and more efficient.

Amazon.com: PC Joystick, YF2009 USB Game Controller with Vibration Function  and Throttle Control, PXN 2113 Wired Gamepad Flight Stick for Windows PC  Computer Laptop: Computers & Accessories

Touch screen:  

is an input and output device which is usually layered on the top of the devices visual display. In my case I didn’t use it. Even if I was able to use it, I wouldn’t of used it, because I think that it’s useless really.

Screen Hire Olympia - Dell 21.5" Touch Screen Hire

Designs for other devices/ Mobile phone:

is when the template of the screen changes to adapt to a certain device. For example, the template on a smart phone will be minimized (smaller) than the template on a PC. So that everything can fit on the screen. As the display on a mobile phone is much smaller than on a PC.

Best smartphone 2019: iPhone, OnePlus, Samsung and Huawei compared and  ranked | Technology | The Guardian

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA):

is a variety mobile device that act as a personal information manager. Mostly displaced by the mainstream adoption of highly capable smartphones (Android and IOS). They are used for storing contacts and documents, also emailing individuals.

The Impact Of Application of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) in Health  Service in Nursing Practice | by dindaptrr | Medium

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Radio:

is a digital radio standard for broadcasting digital audio radio services in various countries around the world. This was used to send information around countries, also used to hear the news and music from radio stations.

Audiences condemn digital radio because of poor quality signal | Daily Mail  Online


Controlling an animation:

By using the Leap motion (HCI device), I was able to create and develop my game. Also testing the game by throwing the sphere and grabbing it. This allows us to use HCI more advanced.

10Cubes system with an infrared camera (Leap Motion Controller) for... |  Download Scientific Diagram


is an output device that provides visual displays, like pictures and videos. Mostly office employees use monitors as well as gamers. This is an important device, as you need one to create and test your game.

Xiaomi Mi 34" UltraWide Quad HD 144Hz AMD FreeSync: Amazon.co.uk:  Electronics

Logical sequences:

is the logical sequence of words, as the name suggests, is the type of debate that consists of words, and we need to find a sequence that is logical in that context. An example could be We know that cow eats grass and then gives milk. With the milk, curd is made and then from curd, butter is made. Hence logical sequence is : Cow, Grass, Milk, Curd, Butter.

Complete the logical sequence - Puzzling Stack Exchange


is how you place and where you place your monitor, so that you can work as efficiently as possible. For example, you should place the monitors next to each other, besides or on top of each other. As you won’t have to move your head much, as it will be in your eye sight. Having more monitors allows you to work more efficient, as one display you can read something and on the other monitor you can write down the data. Therefore, I think having a good layout can help you a lot, its more efficient. Furthermore, my game is laid out well, as the ball is placed in the middle of the stage, also my camera placement allows the user to see the whole stage, so that you can see what the ball hits.


By applying colour on objects, it made the game more eye-catching, as it isn’t plain and dull. In the assets folder which I downloaded I found the colour which I needed, after I dragged it with my mouse and placed it on the object. As you can see the cylinders have different colours. Each colour represents the amount of points you earn when the ball touches it. For example, the 1st row is red meaning 10 points, the 2nd row is yellow meaning 5 points and the last row is purple, which is 2 points.


An action to orient something relative to the positions specified. For example, the ball is position in the middle and it stationary. Meaning that it must be hit forward for it to touch the poles (cylinders). So that you can gain points. The cylinders and places on a rectangle sloping down, so that after you hit the ball, ball can roll down to its original position. As the barriers to the side are angled to direct the ball to the middle. This is very helpful as you don’t need to reset the game every time you hit the ball, so that the ball goes back to its original position.

Use of other devices: (below)

Voice output:

these devices are used for individuals who are limited to communicating (disabled people). By pressing on buttons, the device will talk for them. This is useful for limited people, as they can communicate with other individuals.

Voice output communication aids - Living made easy

Projector/Interactive whiteboard:

is a large interactive display in the form of a whiteboard. This allows teachers to show information on the whiteboard to groups of people. This saves time, as the whole group sees what is happening, therefore, she doesn’t have to go and talk to an individual one by one. It is useful as it’s efficient and time saving.

Interactive whiteboard installs - AVE Services - Events Hire Install Stream


User testing:

is when a user tests your game out. And then gives you feedback on what to improve. 4 of my friends tested my game and said its good. However, most of them said I should include a rear barrier so that the ball doesn’t go out of the area. So that they don’t have to reset the game over and over again. And 1 of friend said that I should add more poles (cylinders), so that the ball has a higher chance of hitting more poles, and so collecting more points.

Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for User Testing | CMS Connected

Against original specifications:

My idea was based Skee-Ball, however I had one issue. Which made me modify my original specification. The problem was adding a hole to my game. I tried using A 3D app and making the 3D shape 9hole), after i tried inserting it into Unity, But it didn’t work. Therefore, Instead of a hole I decided to make poles (cylinders). Instead of the sphere falling in the holes (to obtain point), I decided that the sphere will hit the poles to gain points. And that is really the only thing that I changed in my idea. In the link below you will see the final outcome of my game:

Working within a closed system:

A closed system is defined as a system that has no interaction with any elements outside the system itself. Meaning that an organization for example will work and think of ideas within the organizations building. The organization doesn’t interact with the outside environment.

Key Elements of Organizational Structure

Working in wider system:

This means working and interacting with its environment. For example, a company sends money back to the environment through its goods, contributions and other initiatives in the environment.

7 Ways to Be More Productive and Efficient at Work | Lifespan

Recording tests: is when you record the data of you testing your game for example. This allows you to remember where you left of from. Furthermore, allows you to know what you have to improve. It makes things much more organized and easy to remember.



is a plan or drawing created to demonstrate the appearance and purpose of a structure or object before it is made. This is important, as by designing the object or structure, you are not designing it or making it as a final design. Therefore, you can make as many mistakes and change to it. Until you are satisfied with the design. Then only after you can start creating it as a final outcome. Which is what I’ve done with my game in Unity. I started with a rectangular box. And changed the shape of it a little, and removed some stuff from it, until I was satisfied with it.

Picture boards:

allows you to take pictures of your computer display. And place them on boards. This helps those who have trouble verbally communicating. The user can gesture, point to, or blink at pictures to communicate with other individuals. This is helpful to those who are limited to communicating with others.

How To Create A Vision Board – Manly Beach Health Club

Rich picture diagram:

A rich picture is a drawing of a scenario that shows the key elements that need to be considered when attempting to interfere in order to achieve any improvement. It consists of pictures, text, symbols and icons, all of which are used to explain the situation graphically. It helps to recognise one or more subjects that group members will want to discuss further and address. Rich picture diagram are also often used in the pre-analysis stage.

An example of rich picture diagram. | Download Scientific Diagram


A flowchart is a type of diagram that shows a process or a workflow. A step-by-step approach to the task. The flowchart displays the steps as boxes of different kinds, and their order by linking the boxes to the arrows. An organization would most likely use this. The flowchart lists each step required to execute the process. The flowchart allows the designer to identify unnecessary steps in the process as well as errors.

A Guide to Flow Charts - YouTube

Structured charts:

is a chart that shows the breakdown of the process to the lowest respectable level. They are used in structured programming to organise programme modules in a tree. Each module is identified by a box containing the module. A well-managed organizational chart helps to visualise the workload of individuals.

Structure chart - Wikipedia


is any account of a set of related incidents or experiences. An individual talking through a story or tale.

What is Narrative? 5 Narrative Types and Examples | Now Novel

Original specification:

My original idea was to make Skee-Ball, just like the games you find in the arcade. However, I changed it up a little after I came across a problem. You couldn’t make holes in Unity, so I had to use another app (3D app). I made a hole using that app, but when I wanted to insert the hole in Unity, it didn’t let me. So instead of using holes, I used poles. Everything else was going perfectly to plan. The stage (setting0 was perfect, the physics of the game were perfect too. After I finished the game, everything went well, the game worked how I wanted it too, and my friends enjoyed it. In the link below you can see th final outcome of my game:

Description of how results achieved (Test log):

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Qualitative Measures of Effectiveness

This includes gathering information about people’s views, opinions and preferences about it and making a quality evaluation of the results based on the information.
The data gathered for qualitative measures of effectiveness are as follows:

Input speeds/ Throughput:

The input speeds for the game is with a leap motion and your hands. Therefore, data are gathered to measure the speed of the throughput, which is how easily the interface reacts to using a hand to grab the sphere.

Keying speeds:

Keying speed is how fast you press on the keys. The faster you press, the faster reaction time you have. Special type of keys (cherry MX) also help. For example, some mechanical keyboard like mine have cherry MX, which is a light key, not needing a lot of weight o be pushed down, therefore helping you type faster and game better.

Max Keyboard Nighthawk Pro X (Cherry MX RGB) Multicolor Backlit Mechanical  Keyboard

Speed of Comprehension of output:

An example could be how fast you read. Meaning how many words can you read per minute. Also by saying the word, you won’t miss it out when typing. As it makes you concentrate more.

Comparative Costs (Running Cost and of Staffing):

Since the game interface is pretty basic with a few objects, the running costs of running the system would be small, even though I’m using 3D objects there aren’t a lot of them. Furthermore, there is no need for a lot of staff, I think that there should be no more than 2 staffs needed, so the cost will be small.

The True Costs of Direct Hiring Vs. Outsourcing | BXGI

Comparison with original needs:

At first I wanted to make Skee-Ball game, however I came over a problem. I had to make the holes, using another designing 3D app. Which I did, but then when I wanted to insert the 3D shapes (holes), it didn’t work. Therefore, I gave up with that idea. However, I went around that issue and instead of holes for the ball to fall in, i decided to make poles, therefore the ball had to hit the poles in order to gain points. This was more efficient, as if I had holes u would of had to reset the game for the ball to go back in its original position. But because the poles are on a ramp, the ball will roll to its original position. Furthermore, I put barriers (right-angle triangle) on the sides, so that when the ball rolls down the ramp, it will roll alongside the barriers which will direct it to the middle (original position). So that you wouldn’t have to restart the game, just so the ball can be in its original position and be able to hit it with the virtual hands. You can see this in the picture below (the barriers are the same colour as the floor, its a little hard to see it), and below that is an individuals game:

Develop a 3D Skee Ball Game With Unity

Features that are fully, partially, or not included/ Comparison with other systems:

As you can see from the two pictures above (1st picture being my game and the 2nd picture being a persons game, which I’m comparing it to), one feature that is included is the sphere being thrown into the poles (cylinders). Both games have an object to aim at, I have to aim at poles in my game, and in the original game you have to hit the ball in the holes. Partially, when I hit the sphere, it goes up a ramp, but doesn’t take air, like in the original game. However, the sphere does roll down the ramp trying to hit its target. He has points and barriers on the ramp, which I don’t have on my poles. And I believe that his sphere respawns in its original throwing position, whereas mine doesn’t, it rolls down to its original throwing position. Our cameras are placed similarly in the same position. Furthermore, his graphics are way more advanced than mine are. Therefore, making his game more attractive and fun, than my game. As he has a score for the user to look at. Meaning that his game is more interesting, as it is more competitive than mine. His system is better than mine overall, this means that there are things that I can improve on, so that I can make my game stand out and be more fun.

Qualitative Measures of Effectiveness

In the link below you can see one of my friends (Shabaz) playing my game:

This includes gathering information about people’s views, opinions and preferences about it and making a quality evaluation of the results based on the information.
The data gathered for qualitative measures of effectiveness are as follows:

User Satisfaction:

I had my friends play the game and the data from the graphs show my findings:

I asked my friends what I could improve on. All of them said that I have to add a barrier behind the virtual hands, so that the ball doesn’t roll too far, because then the virtual hands won’t be able to reach it. Ando so they will have to restart the game, so that they can reach and hit the sphere.

Ease of use:

All my friends that played the game said that it is a very simple and easy to play game. As all you do it hit the ball, and count up the points. And the person with the most points wins.

Skills required:

Most of my friends said that for this game, you don’t need to be skilful. As it’s a very simple game. However, when they tested the game, Eddie struggled the most out of the 4 of them. Meaning that maybe you do need to have a bit of skills. Like patience and accuracy, when hitting the sphere.

Usefulness of results:

Due to this data which I have obtained, I have realised that my friends that tested this game enjoy it. However, their are a lot of improvements to be done to this game, which my friends also said. They told me what I can improve on and what they like about my game. Which will help me improve the game. For example, it is easier to play using leap motion and the virtual hands, than keyboard and mouse that are similar to my game. And what I can improve on is the graphics and making it more fun, by adding a score or adding more poles, which my friends suggested.

Meets requirements:

It meets the requirements, as the game fully functions. The goal is to hit the sphere and hit as many poles as possible, so that you can get as many points as possible. Also the ball rolls back to its original position waiting for the next player to hit the ball with the virtual hands. The sphere collider component works perfectly, the interaction manager works too, the interaction manager works as well, and the rigid body component works as well. This game has no faults, just improvements to be done. In the picture sbelow you can see all the objects that I have used in my games:

Comparison with other systems (in what way is the new better than the old):

My system:

Comparing it to:

Develop a 3D Skee Ball Game With Unity

As you can see from the two pictures, my game doesn’t look as attractive as the other system. The graphics and textures are more advanced than mine. Making it more attractive and fun to play. Furthermore, he has a score board which I don’t have, making my game not as competitive as his. His game is more realistic and has a multiplayer mode. As there are 3 skee-Ball, meaning that multiple user can play against each other, making the game more competitive and fun. However, I think my one is good too, its simple and easy to play. The other system looks hard to play, as the holes are smaller, therefore making the game too hard. Which some users may not like. Overall his system is more complex and better than mine. But my one is still a simple and good game.

Improvements that I could make to my game:

  1. Make the game look more realistic (better graphics)
  2. Make the game more customisable, like letting the user change the ball colour and its in game name
  3. Make the game a little harder by making the poles thinner or adding more poles
  4. Add a scoreboard to make the game more competitive

Conclusion to evaluation

What I like about my game is that it’s easy to play and original, as I haven’t seen a game like this before. What I hate about my game is that it’s very repetitive and it can get boring, due to it being repetitive.

Furthermore, I would of liked my game to have a score board, and a point system, as it would have made my game more entertaining and competitive.

If I started from the beginning, what I would do different is do some research about Unity, and then start creating my game, as when I started making my game, I didn’t know that you can’t place holes or other complex 3D shapes, you had to create it on another 3D app and then insert it through Unity. This therefore made me rethink and redesign my game. Another thing that I’d do different is make different games and prototypes, before I start making my final game.

Lastly, I enjoyed the whole HCI experience, as I learnt how to make a game from zero using Unity. Also, how to develop and test it. The reason why I enjoyed this whole experience is because it was pretty easy to make and develop my game, therefore not encountering to many issues. Also, I was able to be as creative as I wanted to be, as there was no requirements. Overall, I enjoyed my time making and developing my game.

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